Our Mission is Simple…
To educate and advocate for the next
generations into the trades.

Provide performance-based scholarships to trade schools. By holding recipients accountable, you can ensure your contributions will never go to waste.
Demonstrate via community outreach that attending a trade school is as prestigious as attending a university. Advocate that a Blue-Collar career is not an “alternative” to a financially rewarding career…it is a financially rewarding career.

The Plan
Throw fundraisers where we will accept generous donations from patrons. We then put that money into income earning equities related to Blue Collar industries. This creates an endowment fund, managed by Merril Lynch, that will provide scholarships to trade schools for many future generations.

Our Story
Our maternal Grandfather grew up in the hills of West Virginia in the 1920s. He was one of six children being raised by a single father. Times were tough and money was tight, so he was sent to C.C. Camp. In short, The Civilian Conservation Corp was set up by the government to provide jobs building parks (if you’re not familiar with this I recommend you look it up; it’s pretty interesting). Here our grandfather learned how to operate heavy equipment among other things. He went on to own his own excavation company, which our uncles later took over.
Our father got into construction in the late 1950s at a very young age in order to help support his family. He went on to own, with a couple of partners, his own company installing infrastructure utilities until his passing in the 1970s.
Our stepfather (whose father was also in C.C. Camp) and his brothers had a home building company for years. Eventually he split off on his own doing home improvements. Today, my brother and I run that company, and both of our children have worked with us at times.
My father-in law spent many years as a carpenter and owned his own construction company. His daughter made her career in the horticulture industry.

Needless to say, We have seen generations prosper from Blue Collar careers. A hard day’s work for an honest day’s pay. We still drive on roads, pass buildings, and visit parks where our family has contributed to their construction. We’ve lived the American Dream, and now have the opportunity, with your help, to give back.
Thank you for helping us change lives